quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2008
Seis Flores da Familia Papaveraceae
terça-feira, 29 de julho de 2008
Cinco Moscas

S. Domingos de Rana, 5.03.07

sexta-feira, 25 de julho de 2008
Dez Liquens

Fonte da Telha, 27.12.07

S. Domingos de Rana, 26.03.07

S. Domingos de Rana, 8.02.08

Praia da Ursa, 29.04.07

Perto de Sabóia, Alentejo, 14.10.07

Sintra, 21.04.07

Sintra, 21.04.07

Fonte da Telha, 27.12.07
quarta-feira, 23 de julho de 2008
Eu não resisto a mais uma Ophrys apifera
Happy People Dancing on Planet Earth
Credit: Matt Harding & Melissa Nixon
What are these humans doing? Dancing. Many humans on Earth exhibit periods of happiness, and one method of displaying happiness is dancing. Happiness and dancing transcend political boundaries and occur in practically every human society. Above, Matt Harding traveled through many nations on Earth, started dancing, and filmed the result. The video is perhaps a dramatic example that humans from all over planet Earth feel a common bond as part of a single species. Happiness is frequently contagious -- few people are able to watch the above video without smiling.
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.
(texto e vídeo tirado do Google gadget "Astronomy Picture of the Day", 22.07.08)